Huy, 40 editions at the summit! 2024 celebrates the 40th finish of La Flèche Wallonne at the top of the Mur de Huy, the vertiginous climb that has crowned the greatest champions. From our own Claudy Criquielion in 1985 to Slovenian champion Tadej Poga cˇar in 2023, 27 riders have added their names in gold letters to the winners’ list of this Ardennes Classic since the race was decided at the top of the Mur de Huy. 2024 is, therefore, an anniversary year and one that will also be marked by significant changes to both the final kilometres of the course and the schedule for the women’s race whose champions have graced the Mur de Huy since 1998. Like the men, the race’s record of achievements illustrates its severity, demands, and uniqueness. While Huy’s status as a tourist destination strengthens a little more each year, as the reopening of the cable car in April perfectly illustrates, cycling, La Flèche Wallonne and the Mur are ideal for promoting Huy worldwide. We’re proud of that... Long live La Flèche Wallonne, and long live cycling in Huy!